You might want to try taking the master antioxidant- glutathione. It works wonders.

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Glutathione is great. I used to get IVs at a local spa but it’s really expensive.

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So sorry for the brain fog. It has been twenty years for me, so I know what torture you will be feeling - thanks for the images.

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Jun 25Liked by Clot Shot Lab

Michelle, my first thought when I saw that image was, “looks like a tiny razor blade” when I scrolled down and saw you describe it like that too. The immediate connection I had to what these might be is graphene hydroxide (aka tiny RAZOR BLADES)—and what scientist and graphene *expert*, Dr. Andreas Noack, discovered was in the shots and was immediately killed for (like in days!) after exposing his findings in a public Zoom session. Had to find a link to share with you in case you weren’t aware bc I know it was so heavily censored…

Btw, keep your chip up girl! I am ‘you’ in a city maybe or maybe not so far away, in that I know no one (at least in-person) who is open enough to see things for what they are, and yes, it can be excruciatingly isolating at times. I am petrified to bring this to an oral surgeon next month for my tooth surgery when I will be demanding a specific dental anesthetic—and what will I tell him when he asks WhY? 😂 🤦🏼‍♀️ It is an impossible conundrum. Mostly I want to scream it from the rooftops, but also in my experience, I’ve noticed ppl who aren’t ready just *can't*…and will invariably summize that this girl must be a schiztoid or something. Just wanted to share so you know you are most Definitely ‘among friends’…even if we are all only ‘online’, so hang in there. 🥰 Anyway, here’s a couple links re. Dr. Noack exposing the graphene HYDRoxide :)





Here’s the synopsis I wrote as a note to remind myself at the end of 2021 when he was killed…after I had just watched him exposing his findings days earlier:

“ Graphene Hydroxide, The Vaxx and EMF's

Dr. Andreas Noack, in a video he created on November 23, 2021, explains in detail how graphene hydroxide (not oxide) is one of the nefarious ingredients in the vaccine being distributed worldwide. Within hours of its release 3 days later, he lost his life.

From the video below…

Dr. Noack, a renowned expert in the world of graphene based carbon products, describes of the work of Dr. Pablo Campra from the University of Almeria had recently done a Micro-Raman spectroscopy study of the vaccine. He had discovered that the graphene detected in the vaxx was not graphene oxide (GO) but graphene hydroxide (GHO), which is an extremely stable molecule that is not biodegradable, so it basically stays in your system forever.

This is very bad news for vaccine recipients because he describes graphene hydroxide molecules as “the sharpest imaginable objects because they are only one atom layer thick…a huge molecule which is extremely sharp.”

In other words, the graphene hydroxide molecules in the vaxx behave like nano razors that cut the epithelial lining of recipients’ veins, which he believes is the cause of blood clots and the sudden deaths observed in so many top athletes, lately.”

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It’s hard inhabiting a masculine attitude all the time but I don’t know what else to do. Because no one else seems to be doing it.

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Totally get it, and I’ve been there. What it’s taken me years to finally figure out is that there’s only so much you can do. Sometimes the only thing we are supposed to do is just plant the seeds for someone else…when and how they use it is completely out of our hands, but we are still doing our part—and a crucial and very necessary one at that. And to learn to stop depriving ourselves of the ‘whole’ of ourselves. Learning to somehow find ways to balance what we do day in and out, dealing with all this, trying to constantly educate ourselves and wake up the rest of humanity…can be beyond exhausting! We must ‘choose’ to find a space for joy in our lives…wherever we can, no matter how big or small— it’s all going in a more beneficial direction energetically, so just keep trying. Never give up hope that our world will be free of all this crap, one day! I believe it will…and that we will be living in a very different way.. it will take a lot of patient, loving, and awake ppl to help each other figure out how to do all things ‘new’ when we get there, but its all a necessary part of our earthly evolutionary cycle on this planet.

Hang tough mama—Sending loving energy your way ☺️🙏🏼💫💚🌈💞

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It goes on until it doesn’t go on anymore because the ecosystem collapses and everyone is dead. The only people left standing will be those who figured out solutions to survive.

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That’s a mighty fine work you did there with your microscopy! :-) Thank you! Sharing!

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Have you tried the Dr Ardis recommended Nicotine gum or patches for your brain fog?

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https://elifesciences.org/articles/79310 you might find this interesting and informative…

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