Jul 13·edited Jul 13Liked by Clot Shot Lab

Interesting Stuff! It seems like there quite a few of us picking up on the urge to start looking at this stuff, myself included. Some of the samples I've prepared and looked at, not all of which I've made a post about yet, and to be honest I'm not sure I have enough time in the day to write and look. It's a little frustrating, but looking through the microscope consumes a lot of time. I do want to write up at least something about my first experiences of seeing these 'filaments' for want of a better word. For me 'filaments' is a wide-open term which can include a diverse array of anything that is filament-like either natural or synthetic, cellulous plant fibres to electronic wire filaments as in bulbs for example. I would like to clarify what it is that you are calling 'hydrogel'? It helps if we are all talking the same language, so please if you can, direct me to one of your own posts or another's post clearly showing what I should be looking for in terms of identifying the phenomenon of 'hydrogel'. I have seen some odd things and hope to document them soon...

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I’m trying to comb through other people’s posts on hydrogel to provide you a link (because other people have been researching it longer and do a better job), but either the substack search engine is not very advanced, or they are actively hiding the content. You can read through my old posts and check out the 4 publications I recommend under “recommendations”. You can also search the term “hydrogel” on rumble and bitchute. There’s no quick answer to the question “what is hydrogel” because we’re still in the early stages of studying it.

Here’s the bare minimum technical definition, provided from google: “A hydrogel is a network of hydrophilic polymers that are crosslinked either through physical entanglement (reversible hydrogel) or covalent bonds (permanent hydrogel). You can find lots of research papers on various types of hydrogels through a simple google search.

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Ahh, thanks Matt, I actually found that post last night before I had to nod off, I'm reading that one this morning after checking emails and messages and the obligatory coffee...

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