Good Work!...Good news about the Mexican bubbly water, and too bad about the other products. That is a great research project. I wonder if some of the 'oily' bubbles in the Rose Water is the Rose Essential Oil? (Not the obvious line of Hydrogel). I've noticed something similar when a product lists "glycerine", to not mistake it for Hydrogel. And OMG, did you catch what the pink color is made from? Insects! Thanks for the reference to my Field Guide Post! : )

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Hello Michelle.w's,

You can look where you like its everywhere and in everyone. What has to be done is find a way to interrupt NT developement in the human body. Many are working on just that. RR

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Unless the company used , RO water , it’s contaminated , Or the way nature makes water is the best , with the spraying of the sky, Is a possible cause,

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I have to say that I have tested 2 different R/O waters from stores where you fill up your big bottles, and one was extremely contaminated with moving bots and the other had most of the usual nano suspects. Perhaps they need their filters replaced? I don't have my own R/O system to test my own.

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I use the Phillips RO bench top system,

Goes down to 1 micron ,

But yes you’re right about changing out filters, few months tops I recon ?

Open up the filter and scope the inside ,

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Thanks kindly for the effort. I thought that the Thai rose water would be loaded !!

Bring the sea to you and salinate your bath👍

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