In addition to the budesonide, I’m prescribed a second substance to use in my inhaler: albuterol. I typically combine them into an inhaler and use both at the same time. Of course, I no longer use them at this point since I’m discovering that I’m actually breathing in exotic tech that has probably become embedded in my lungs and sinus passages. I never had breathing issues until I contracted “Covid”, a fact which at this point is also questionable since increasing evidence from researchers shows that the virus may not exist and what we were experiencing was transmissible nanotech this whole time.
Quick note of hope for other sufferers: the content of Dr. Eric Berg on youtube has literally changed my life. He has excellent recommendations for asthma and most other chronic health issues. High dose vitamin D, zinc and daily exercise has completely eliminated my asthma symptoms on most days. Though I still have flareups, especially when exposed to certain environmental contaminants. At least I know now that the inhaler meds were not helping and were actually contributing to the problem. In addition to researching the source of my health issues, I’m also having to research all the possible solutions. But luckily I don’t have to do it alone and have this amazing community of hardworking researchers to collaborate with.
So let’s get to those albuterol pics. The most notable and well-developed phenomenon with the albuterol sample is the formation of crystals at the edges of the slides. These crystals didn’t begin to form in the sample until about a week or two after I put the drop on the slide.
These seem to me to be primordial forms of the chip-like structures David Nixon and others have documented extensively. My best guess is that these structures do not have all the materials necessary to form into a full chip. I would assume that the hydrogel can source all of the materials it needs for chip-building within the chemistry of the human body. And perhaps when hydrogel is present in various other chemical environments that are not as complex as the human body, they can only evolve into these partially-formed chip structures. I’m currently doing a literature review of “Will: Micronaut” content here on Substack and he was able to capture an image that is essentially the same as what I’m showing here, with the notable exception of the rectangles and lines forming *outside* of the chip instead of within it.
Here is a closeup of those rectangles and lines. As far as I know, these formations don’t present themselves in any natural crystal found in the natural world. As always, drop some insight in the comments section if there is in fact a prosaic explanation to these formations. To me, this looks like electronic circuity and I think most others would agree.
There seems to be much less hydrogel and ribbons in this albuterol than in the budesonide. There are a few ribbons, but nothing on the scale of what was seen in the budesonide. Literally maybe 3 or 4 ribbons compared to the 30 or 40 (or more) ribbons in the budesonide. So far, in all of my samples, ribbons have presented themselves together with the thin hydrogel plates that usually go on to form either chip-like crystals or networks of tubes. There were no tube networks that I could detect in this albuterol sample and there was essentially no activity in the center of the sample other than the presence of a couple ribbons. The crystal formations were occurring only at the edges of the slide, which has been noted elsewhere by researchers like Un-hackable Animal who captures some really advanced crystal formations that start to look as complex as cities.
Here are some more pictures of the crystal formations at the edges of the slide.
It looks like there are lots of hydrogel bubbles to the left of the crystal above. In the below picture it looks like these crystals are in a transitional state where they haven’t yet reached the complexity of square chips with rectangular ports inside.
And here’s one last image to get an overall view of what’s common at the edges of an albuterol slide after one month of sitting untouched on the slide. I try to keep my room dim and cool at all times and cover the slides with a tray to limit outside environmental factors from influencing the development of the sample.
I do wish the image quality was better. AmScope does offer add-on darkfield condensers but I can’t find one that’s compatible with my B120C model. I may try to contact customer service and also get around to making a better DIY version with plastic and cardboard paper. The one I’m currently using is a bit flimsy and not cut to the right size. I’m also having trouble converting my Substack page to include paid subscriptions and donations. I’ll go ahead and link my Patreon page to my “about me” section if you’re willing and able to contribute something.
I wonder how long all this can go on in our bodies and the earth’s environment before it all becomes too much for the establishment to hide any longer. It seems too big of a phenomenon to hide forever. I wonder if it will eventually grow to such a scale that surgeons will be seeing signs of the nano when they cut open a body, or if stuff will just start growing from our bodies at a scale large enough to see with the naked eye. We already know that morticians were seeing the unusual clots coming out of veins, but apparently it wasn’t on a scale large enough to cause mass panic and societal upheaval. I do wonder why hematologists at professional medical labs are not seeing the synthetic blood cells David Nixon and others are seeing on a regular basis now. Or perhaps they are seeing it but ignoring it. But it does seem like a possibility that at some point the growth of this tech will reach a point where humanity at large can no longer ignore it. And what happens then?
Thanks for reading.
Edit: I do think I know what the Establishment will say if and when these biological phenomena become apparent. They will blame it on climate change. Well, no shit there is climate change! I guess the more important question is how long they can hide the real source of climate change.
Everyone says that🤣Bryan is the guy who Tony pantellerseco first got his information from. I don't think anyone in the world has pulled nanotech out of the body and documented it like Bryan has.
Yep, GD!! There it is! La Quinta, Columna had the first microscopic pictures of these nano transmitters and nano routers. (See Dr Campra and Delgado) then Dr David Nixon did a lot more microscopy in Darkfield, and brightfiled. Then electron microscopy. Klause wasn’t playing when he said: